Summer Jammin’
Saturday I had my annual jam making event. I don’t know why I always end up making jam into the wee hours of the morning, but for the last two years that seems to be when I can squeeze it in. So at about 1:30 in the morning, I finally finished up my jam and had to snap a few pics.
Here are my stats (every year I try to remember how many strawberries, boxes of Sure-Jell, jars, etc it took. This year decided to smarten up and just write that all down!)
3 Costco Clamshells of strawberries (with a few left over for eating)
8 boxes of Sure-Jell - had enough supplies I could have used one more box
24 pint size jam jars
All my efforts yielded the ever so annoying total of 23 1/2 pints of jam. 24 is perfect number, but no I got 23 1/2
I had to hide the jars in the laundry room or I’m sure Brynn would have helped herself. Even still Chad told her I made jam and she spent a very long 24 hours waiting for it to set!! Oh the jam setting is maddening I tell you!! :) Happy to report that Brynn was able to live the full 24 hours and is now enjoying her more than fair share of jam. She asks for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich every day and always volunteers to get “da gewlly.” She has actually started asking for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches without the bread or the peanut butter. I said you just want jelly? “Yes,” she says “in a bowl please!”
Originally posted July 13, 2008