Weekend Update

We had a good weekend. Chad and I went on a date on Friday night. Wahoo! In a short 4 hours we managed to go to dinner, see a movie, get a treat and shop at Target. Yep, we closed Target on Friday night. They turned the lights out while we were still there. Go ahead, you can say it. We know how to party. We considered going to Wal-mart on the way home, but we were both to tired...lame.

Saturday was a lovely, sunny day. Sunny! Hello sunshine, oh how I've missed you. I spent the morning taking my turn at Stake Baptisms. While I was gone Chad took the girls to an end of winter clearance sale and bought Grace a snowboard. She is in hog heaven. I wanted to wait until next year and give it to her for Christmas, but it was such a good deal that Chad went ahead and bought it. She feels pretty special. I still need to post some snowboarding pics of Miss Grace, but she has taken to it like a fish to water. I think we'll be spending many Saturdays up the mountain for the next couple of years.

After I got home we took the girls to lunch and then went shopping for some new clothes. 4 must be the age where Grace started wearing out her clothes, because when I go downstairs to the hand me down boxes, I can't find much for Brynn. And this will shock you, but in the last two week pants that used to be fine on Grace...high waters. Plus she ripped a big hole in the knee of one of two pairs of jeans that still fit her. Long story short, everyone needed some new duds. We found a few things. I refuse to pay full price for anything, so it will take me a few trips before they are really outfitted, but we made a dent on Saturday.

Sunday was gray and cloudy again --pbbbttttt (raspberry noise)-- But we had a nice day at church, in spite of everyone crying in the car on the way there, Brynn's unexpected, pre-Primary freak out and everyone crying in the car on the way home. We went to Chad's parents for dinner - both Grandma and Grandpa are celebrating a birthday this week, so we had a nice family dinner and then came home and crashed. I can't remember the last time I went to bed before 10:30 PM and it has happened twice in the last week! love it.

And now we are back to the grind...the gray, sunless grind. But we have had a productive morning. Brynn and I have managed to tidy up the whole house, change her sheets, make a dent in the laundry and make brownies this morning. An editor missed his deadline today, so I've swaped my normal routine and I'll have to work tonight to get caught up. Whatever. As long as it all gets done I guess it doesn't really matter when.


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