17 Miles of Memories
While I was visiting Scott and Ash in CA, we decided to take the baby on an adventure, so we drive down the coast to our old stomping ground of Monterey, CA. Scott and I figured it out last night and we lived in the Montery area 17 years ago!
It was a pretty overcast No. California day, and there was a thick layer of coastal fog hovering over the bay as we made our way into Monterey. Then we went on a bit of a memory tour. We made a stop at my first high school. Go breakers! :)

We drove down the coast away and pulled off the road in Gilroy, CA for a quick In N Out burger. Gilroy is famous for their garlic crop, but this was the first time I've driven through Gilroy and it actually smelled like garlic. They must have been doing something to the crop, because the smell was really strong.
We headed further down the coast and took a nursing pit stop. This was Devin's first big outing, but he didn't have any issues. He nursed and burped like a pro. We changed his diaper on the front seat and were back on our way.
We drove into Pebble Beach and started up the 17 mile drive, making a stop Bird Rock. It was baby Devin's first trip to the beach, so Scott was insitant on carrying him. It was so cold and we kept him so bundled, that you can't even see him in the pics, but trust me, he's under there. Snoozing away.
There were a few seals laying out on the rocks and a couple bobbing around in the surf. We snapped a few pics, took a nursing break and headed back off to drive around Pebble Beach. Just up Bird Rock road is our old house.
We were able to get a few pics. I really wanted one of the front of the house, but the lady who lives there was working in the kitchen, so she was right in the front window. After we circled the block and drove by the house about 7 times, we started to worry she'd think we were getting ready to rob her or something, so Scott managed to get one blurry front shot as he rolled the car past the window.
The house looked great. I loved living there, so it was good to go back. As we drove around I saw many, many houses for sale. There were more than a few I would be willing to live it. Buatiful trees, rocky coastline, perfectly manifcured gold courses, seals, birds, otters, golfers, cool temperatures and that rolling fog, I'm pretty sure my dream home is somewhere in Pebble Beach.
A little further up 17 mile drive is the Lone Cypress. We stopped for a nursing break, so Scott and I got out to walk down to the lookout and take some pics.

We finished off the drive by touring the Carmel coastline and making a quick stop at the beach. "Come on, Lis," Scott said. "I can't let you come all this way and not put your toes in the sand."
Ah, heaven.