
A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.
~Marion C. Garretty

My cousin Rachael is a professional photographer (located in GA, sorry UT fans). At a recent family dinner she held an impromptu photo shoot with the girls. Here are some of the heart warming results...

Thanks for these, Rach. They make my heart happy.

Check out more of Rachael's work at


Julie said…
Oh those are so cute! Your little girls are BEAUTIFUL! They are growing up fast! They will forever love each other! I have 4 sisters and we are all so close!
Gorgeous! I need to be better at finding more creative poses. They are too cute! And I loved your beaming ballerina story! Love your girls!
amelia said…
love those pictures!
your girls are so beautiful! it's so fun to see how they each develop their own little look.
so CUTE!!!
Angela said…
What treasures! The girls are beautiful. She did a great job.
yaya said…
I am so jealous. What amazing photos of such beautiful girls! Hope you're all well and that we can see each other at some point in the not too distant future.
Anonymous said…
I love that quote...I found it awhile back and posted it on one of my blog so perfectly describes a sisters relationship. Especially how these sister's will feel 20 years from now when they look at these photographs.

I am happy to photograph them anytime!

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