Weekend Update - Tacky Floors and Allergic Reactions

Another weekend has come and gone. I've got my weekly case of pre-Monday anxiety, but I'm trying not to let it over take me. Monday will come whether I stress out or not, right?

I wouldn't actually be able to answer that question, because I always stress about Monday. I'm pretty sure it is my stress that actually pulls the earth around in its orbit and causes Monday to come. But 2010 is my year of letting stuff go, so I'm going to blog, go take a really hot bath and then go to bed. Not pacing around with a Sunday night ulcer will be new for me, but I'm going to give it a whirl.

Ok, weekend recap. Ready. Set. Go.

Friday they sanded and stained the new floors. We left. We stayed gone all day. We hit Hires and had grilled cheese sandwiches and cherry limeades for dinner. We then topped off our decadence with a root beer float, which we shared. If I had to choose a last meal, this might be it. There is something divine about a Hires grilled cheese sandwich. And the fry sauce? Good night, people, I could drink the fry sauce.

After work, Chad stopped off to borrow some clothes from his dad, remember we can't go home and I forgot to bring him a change of clothes. Now there's important background here. I have really bad allergies. I'm especially sensitive to perfumes and dyes, so I use fragrance free laundry detergent and dryer sheets. Chad's mom, apparently, does not. I laid my head on Chad's shoulder while he was wearing his dad's shirt and about 10 mins later, my face felt so funny. I went and looked in the bathroom mirror and sure enough my face was breaking out in hives.

So, as I have done a thousand times before, I pop 2 benedryl and try not to touch my face. It takes a while for the Benedryl to kick in, but once it does, whoa. I lost my ability to cope a little bit.

Around 9 PM, fed and me drugged, we tried to come home. When you pulled in the garage you could smell the stain. I opened the back door and smartly I put my finger tips down on the floor before I let anyone walk in. The floors were still tacky. So we can't go in and put everyone to bed. So we head back to my mom's.

I'm apparently to tired to function because my mom put the girls to bed and I remember laying down in the guest room to rest my eyes. (My mom uses Tide free, so I can touch stuff in her house.) The next thing I knew it was Saturday.

Chad tells me my plan was to rest my eyes and then go watch the Mentalist on DVR, but that never happened. I also didn't hear the children get up at 4 AM. Nor was I able to get my eyes open to make them breakfast, but thankfully for Chad, he's not crazy allergic to demon laundry soap nor was he all hyped up on Benedryl.

I feel like as long as we have one functioning parent at all times, we're good, right? Right.

With the floors dry, we were able to go home, shower and get dressed. Then we spent the day tile shopping, picking out samples, bringing those samples home, laying them out on the kitchen floor and staring at them. After much staring, we've made a decision on the tile.

Saturday night Chad and the girls had a movie/pizza party and I went to the movies with my mom. Movie was ok. Not objectionable, but not particularly well written. We both walked out and sort of went "eh?" But we had an absolutely to die for parking spot, so that alone made the evening a success.

Brynn woke up this morning with a cough, super chapped lips and a terrible stuffy nose. What I have to do to keep that kid healthy, I just don't know. She and Chad stayed home and Grace and I went to church.

My mom graciously had us over for dinner, as I can only get to half of my kitchen and that half doesn't include any seating. Tonight Grace finished a little homework, Brynn laid in a comatose state on the couch watching Mulan and Chad and I are trying to pack a few things, in the event we can't come home again tomorrow night.

Now, I'm off to soak away my anxiety and fall asleep without the aid of a chemical substance - wish me luck!


Ooooh, ooooh, oooooh, I can't wait to see it! How exciting! Sorry about the hives. My alergies have calmed down a bit, and I so don't miss them. I used to get them bad. bleh.

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