I'm not dead, just bored...
Haven't blogged in a week! A week! Did you miss me?
I haven't felt like blogging, as life has felt very routine and uninspiring. Oh and then we got sick. UGH.
Let's recap a little...
Friday we took the girls to see Tooth Fairy at the movie theater. I've never see Brynn laugh so hard. After the movie was over she kept saying "That was hilarious!" And she got up 45 times to climb around me and see if Grace was enjoying the movie. Between the 4 of us we ate an entire large popcorn and the free refill.
Saturday we worked. We cleaned rooms, swept, mopped, cleaned out the fridge. Grace and I spent some much needed alone time out of the house. We shopped and grocery shopped and planned "something fun" for the family that night. After returning home, making a delicious dinner, we made Jamba Juice (I have a cookbook - it's yummers) and sat together as a family watching the women's snowboarding half pipe finals. (Olympics) It must have been fun because the girls are still talking about it.
Sunday Chad got sick and too bad too, because I made one of his favorite dinners.
Monday I got sick. Too bad too. I hate being sick. Chad stayed home to take care of all his girls.
Tuesday I felt totally better, leading me to believe Monday was my normal head thing and not the flu. Whatever. Sick is sick. Doesn't much matter the cause. Chad having to do too much too soon, was back to feeling lousy, leading me to believe he really had the flu.
I'm happy we're on the mend and so happy {knock on wood} that the girls haven't been sick.
I haven't felt like blogging, as life has felt very routine and uninspiring. Oh and then we got sick. UGH.
Let's recap a little...
Friday we took the girls to see Tooth Fairy at the movie theater. I've never see Brynn laugh so hard. After the movie was over she kept saying "That was hilarious!" And she got up 45 times to climb around me and see if Grace was enjoying the movie. Between the 4 of us we ate an entire large popcorn and the free refill.
Saturday we worked. We cleaned rooms, swept, mopped, cleaned out the fridge. Grace and I spent some much needed alone time out of the house. We shopped and grocery shopped and planned "something fun" for the family that night. After returning home, making a delicious dinner, we made Jamba Juice (I have a cookbook - it's yummers) and sat together as a family watching the women's snowboarding half pipe finals. (Olympics) It must have been fun because the girls are still talking about it.
Sunday Chad got sick and too bad too, because I made one of his favorite dinners.
Monday I got sick. Too bad too. I hate being sick. Chad stayed home to take care of all his girls.
Tuesday I felt totally better, leading me to believe Monday was my normal head thing and not the flu. Whatever. Sick is sick. Doesn't much matter the cause. Chad having to do too much too soon, was back to feeling lousy, leading me to believe he really had the flu.
I'm happy we're on the mend and so happy {knock on wood} that the girls haven't been sick.