Purple Promotion and Parental Pride.

Grace attended her latest Karate promotion on Friday night. She was all a twitter with "nerms," but she did a great job demonstrating her forms on stage. After she received her belt and everyone came out for group pictures, the head instructor announced then would be giving out a few awards.

Crap, I thought. Last time they gave awards and Grace was heartbroken that she didn't get one. I didn't think about whether or not they would be doing it again, so I  didn't prep her. I didn't give the old "You don't win everything and it's ok" speech.

They announced 5 of the 6 awards and Grace looked at me across the auditorium and resolutely shrugged her shoulders. "It's ok," I mouthed. She nodded her head and mouthed back to me "I know."

Then they came to the last award of the night - Most Respectful. And I hear Jeff call out "Grace." crazy long pause. "Christensen."

And my eyes darted back to Grace just in time to see her jaw drop open in total surprise! Shocked, she was totally shocked and she wormed her way through the mass of kids up to the Instructor to claim her precious little trophy. I'm pretty sure you could see her beaming little face from the space shuttle.

She keeps saying how she can't believe it. She can't believe she won her very first award. She's terribly proud of herself.

But the pride she feels for herself is nothing copmared to the pride I feel for her. Watching her get that little trophy brought tears to my eyes! What a compliment - Most Respectful. I'm especially proud because I know how hard she works, how seriously she takes it. I know how much she practices. She never misses a class and that's her doing, not mine. It's important to her. She's trying hard to do well and I'm thrilled for her that people notice her hard work and good attitude.

We love you, baby Grace. Congratulations!


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