Lucky Number 13

Today is our 13th wedding anniversary. Chad's disappointed because he thought last year was our 13th, so he was getting ready for 14 and now it's like I'm making him live a whole year of his life over again. With me, no less. I'm sure it's a real drag.

Anyway, I've racked my brain trying to come up with something clever to post. But I've got nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

I could write something sweet and touching, for certainly I've got sweet and touching things to say about Chad. But who wants to read that drippy goo?

So Chad I've decided to memorialize this day with some important movie quotes. Topic: weddings. Naturally.

If you don't know, Chad and I have been playing name that movie quote for about 15 years. Trying to stump each other. Chad is probably winning at this point, given his rather unnatural ability to see a movie once and remember all the funny lines. If only he'd been able to harness that talent for good instead of evil! Still, I'm not bad. I'm nipping at his heels all the time.

So wedding movie quotes, here we go:

1. "So, can you see him? What does he look like?"
"He just drove up."
 "He drove too fast"

2. "You hit two cones back there. Those could have been people... they could have been guests at her wedding!"
"They were *cones*"

And for the really hard one...
3. "The men may be the head of the house but the women are the neck and they can turn the head anyway they want."

Stumped you didn't I? (wicked anniversary laugh)

Sure do love you, Chaddie-boy. And next year it will really be 14. I promise.


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