A whole bunch of stuff and a teletubby. Seriously.
We've been so busy, that it hasn't left me much time to write. There are some good memories in these busy days, so in no particular order I present:
A Whole Bunch of Stuff...
Waiting and Growing Up
Brynn is still insisting that I walk her to school everyday and WAIT with her until her teacher comes out. She's fine in school, but she gets nervous before and after - during the waiting periods. This morning I noticed that Brynn said she was nervous, not that she had "nerms." Sad. I love it when they say funny kid things and always get a little wistful when I realize they finally know the grown up word.
Streaming Fun
The birthday streamer tradition lives on! This year for my birthday in addition to sleeping in, getting a massage, and shopping my sweet girls hung birthday streamers on my door! That was hands down the sweetest part of the day.
4th Grade Superstar
Grace is rocking 4th grade. She's working hard. Loves her teacher. Doing her homework every night without an argument! Reading a lot and understanding what she's reading. She's also started setting little goals for herself. This week her goal is get 100% or only miss 1 on her spelling test, so her class will clap for her. She only missed three last week, but no one claps for you when you miss three apparently. This week she's shooting for applause.
She's setting small reasonable goals for herself. Yep, she's a baby stepper in action. (Name that quote!)
And we leave you with...
Finally, and perhaps most disturbingly, there was a giant Teletubby in the neighborhood the other night. Say what? That's right. Giant. Teletubby. The purple one.
We were sitting in the living room, minding our own business when all of the sudden Chad says "Um why is there a giant teletubby outside?"
L: "I don't get it."
C: "Seriously. Giant purple teletubby on the sidewalk."
Turned around and sure enough there it was. Walking down the sidewalk in front of the house. My mom, ever the brave one, opens the door and goes out on the porch to call it out.
GS: "Hey Tinky Winky!"
Tinky Winky then turns around and stands for what feels like a solid minute waving to us. A full minute is a long time, the creepiness seems to ratchet up with every second that ticks by. We wanted to get a picture, because seriously, who would believe us otherwise. We finally found the camera and managed to snap this shot before it turned the corner:
I know, I know...it's kind of like a grainy shot of bigfoot or a UFO, but that my friends is a giant Teletubby. Weirdness.
A Whole Bunch of Stuff...
Waiting and Growing Up
Brynn is still insisting that I walk her to school everyday and WAIT with her until her teacher comes out. She's fine in school, but she gets nervous before and after - during the waiting periods. This morning I noticed that Brynn said she was nervous, not that she had "nerms." Sad. I love it when they say funny kid things and always get a little wistful when I realize they finally know the grown up word.
Streaming Fun
The birthday streamer tradition lives on! This year for my birthday in addition to sleeping in, getting a massage, and shopping my sweet girls hung birthday streamers on my door! That was hands down the sweetest part of the day.
4th Grade Superstar
Grace is rocking 4th grade. She's working hard. Loves her teacher. Doing her homework every night without an argument! Reading a lot and understanding what she's reading. She's also started setting little goals for herself. This week her goal is get 100% or only miss 1 on her spelling test, so her class will clap for her. She only missed three last week, but no one claps for you when you miss three apparently. This week she's shooting for applause.
She's setting small reasonable goals for herself. Yep, she's a baby stepper in action. (Name that quote!)
And we leave you with...
Finally, and perhaps most disturbingly, there was a giant Teletubby in the neighborhood the other night. Say what? That's right. Giant. Teletubby. The purple one.
We were sitting in the living room, minding our own business when all of the sudden Chad says "Um why is there a giant teletubby outside?"
L: "I don't get it."
C: "Seriously. Giant purple teletubby on the sidewalk."
Turned around and sure enough there it was. Walking down the sidewalk in front of the house. My mom, ever the brave one, opens the door and goes out on the porch to call it out.
GS: "Hey Tinky Winky!"
Tinky Winky then turns around and stands for what feels like a solid minute waving to us. A full minute is a long time, the creepiness seems to ratchet up with every second that ticks by. We wanted to get a picture, because seriously, who would believe us otherwise. We finally found the camera and managed to snap this shot before it turned the corner:
I know, I know...it's kind of like a grainy shot of bigfoot or a UFO, but that my friends is a giant Teletubby. Weirdness.