My Tivo is on Life Support.

I'm in love with my Tivo. In love. Tivo changed the way I watch television. I haven't watched a commercial in 9 years. It introduced me to entertainment multitasking curtosey of it's second tuner. My life got a lot better when Tivo allowed me to watch 2 shoes at once.

I really fought Chad when we go the Tivos. If memory serves, and it usually doesn't, the Tivo cost over $200 dollars. Snap. $200 for TV?? But now I get it and I'm 100% a Tivo convert.

The Tivo is 9 years old, which I think it official makes it the oldest piece of electronics equipment in my home. Lately, its been showing its age. It freezes. It goes all crazy and pixelated. It randomly reboots itself. It's almost ready to give up the ghost.

Chad has offered to buy me a new HD DVR. (I don't let him say that near the Tivo. I don't want to  hurt it's feelings, after all.) He swears I will love an HD DVR. "Think of it," he says "Top Chef in HD!!"

I'll be honest - I can't tell the difference between normal TV and HD. If I grew accustomed to HD and had to go back, I probably would be able to, but for now...I really can't tell. (I don't say that where Chad can hear me. He gives me that look I'm pretty sure you give someone right before you have them committed to a mental institution.)

But I've resisted his offer. I don't want an HD DVR, I only want my Tivo. We have an HD DVR downstairs and I don't like it. Chad says I will get used to it, but I don't want to get used to it. I want to continue on loyal to the piece of equipment that changed me life.

Tonight the Tivo has lost the signal and rebooted itself about 9 times in the last 40 minutes. I seen the signs. I've known the day was coming, but I've been in Tivo denial. I've done everything I can to love it along.

The screen has officially gone black.

Looks like it's time to pull the plug - literally.

Excuse me, I must now go bury the remote in the backyard.


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