Discussion Topic: Vacation

In this post, you reader will play the role of the child. Don't worry. Your lines will come very naturally to you.  Ready, begin...

Yes, we are going on vacation.

It will take 2 planes to get there. No, 2. We will take off and then land in Atlanta. We will not have to stay there because we will then get on another plane, take off and land in Norfolk.

The airport is in Virginia, so we will then drive to North Carolina.

It will take about one and a half hours or for those of you who do not tell time - 3 iCarlys.

You may not pack yourselves because I'm not interested in dressing you in nothing but sunglasses and socks for 9 days.

Yes, we will swim on vacation.

Yes, I will get in with you.

Yes, I own a bathing suit.

It will take 2 planes to get there, remember?

We are leaving in 2 days. When you ask me tomorrow we will be leaving in 1 day, when you ask me 5 minutes from now we will still be leaving in 2 days.

I've decided not to count down in minutes, as it is just too much to keep track of.

2 planes. Count them with me. 1, 2. 2 planes.

I don't know why.

Yes, Grandma and Grandpa will meet us at the beach.

Yes, we will stay in a hotel on Friday and then drive to the beach.

2 planes.

2 days, but yes, as of tomorrow 1 day.

No, you may not take 4 stuffed animals.

Because you don't need stuffed animals at the beach.

Because it's just wrong.

Where will you sit on the plane? Where I tell you to.

Yes, dad too.

Dad always does what I tell him.

He's smart.

2 days.

2 planes.

that is all.



Brammer Family said…
How many planes again? And in how many days? Huh, mom? Huh? Huh?

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