Hello World

Greetings Internet!

I haven't blogged in a while. The reasons? Well they are many...

I'm not that inspired to write.

It's cold outside. What that has to do with writing on a blog, I have no idea, but it is cold. Can't argue with that.

A lot of the posts I want to write have pictures that should be posted with them. I haven't loaded the pictures from my camera onto my computer. For some reason I find this an insurmountable problem.

I'm trying to go to bed early - ish. I'm actually prioritizing sleep above blogging. It's weird, but I find myself more rested. Go figure.

And last but not least:

I'm really busy. No, that's putting it too mildly. I'm REALLY busy. Hmmm...still isn't capturing it quite right. I AM REALLY, REALLY, RIDICULOUSLY BUSY. Yes, that's the ticket.

I remember the good old days, you know like last May, when I was on 3 projects and felt so busy. BWAHAHAHA. If the May version of myself knew what the October/November version would be dealing with, I would have told myself to go to Hawaii and not come back.

I was on 12 projects, but I just finished 1, so technically I'm on 11. Yes, this one goes to 11. 11. It sounds crazy when I say it, so I add them up again and they still total 11.

I've traveled 5 of the last 6 weeks and I've got one more trip. This week I rolled over to the next Medallion status and I now get to go in the fast TSA line. That's pretty cool, I've long coveted the fast TSA line. When the Gold Medallion luggage tags come in the mail, I'm totally putting them on my bags.

Don't get me wrong. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy my job. I'm enjoying it. I like my job. It's hard. It stretches my brain, which while occasionally painful, feels like a long term growth strategy. I'd like to be smarter than I am today and doing hard things feels like one way to get smarter, so bring it.

So why am I blogging right now?

Well I'm in O'Hare and my flight that was supposed to leave at 6:30 is delayed until 10. Blurgh. The lady across from me in in her 7th hour of flight delay, so I can hardly complain. But hardly complaining means you can complain a tiny bit, so blurgh.

Anyway, thought I would make use of this time by putting a word or two on the blog.

It won't have any pictures of course and that irks me, but I'll learn to live with it. Or I'll upload the pictures later. Wait, who am I kidding? No I won't.


Brammer Family said…
If you need that extra push over the cliff you know what you do? You go to 11.

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