Maturation Night.
I do not remember going to maturation night as a kid. I was probably moving. I blame all my childhood memory lapses on moving.
Tonight Grace and I attended 5th grade maturation night at the school. Grace came home last week with a paper about it.
"It's so gross, Mom." [big grossed out sigh]
"It's not a bit gross, it's interesting. I'm excited to go and hear what they say."
"Oh yeah me too. I think it will be interesting, but all my friends say it is gross."
So we had an interesting conversation about how a lot of people get a little weirded out talking about personal stuff, but its fine. You are supposed to learn about things and it is a mom's job to teach you what's up.
"So it isn't gross?"
"Nope, it's just science."
After that she seemed excited to go. Luckily tonight was not the first time Grace was hearing most of this information. I think if it had been the first time hearing some of it, it would have blown her mind. I had to lean over a few times and say, "don't worry about that, we will talk about that later." I'm really, really convinced that the "birds and bees" talk is not one conversation or night at the school, but a series of conversations that get more informative as you age. (At least I hope it works out that way.)
Overall, I thought tonight was handled well. Though the lady giving the talk was really hitting the word horrific a lot. I know she is trying to dissuade everyone from getting pregnant as a teenager, but after you say the word horrific about 20 times during one puberty talk, well kids starting getting a weird vibe. Yes, some parts of pregnancy might technically be classified as challenging, but I think horrific is a bit much.
Grace and I had a good talk, post meeting. I think we have a good foundation for talking later.
I really enjoyed the experience tonight with her. I'm really loving mothering lately. I love watching them grow up.
Tonight Grace and I attended 5th grade maturation night at the school. Grace came home last week with a paper about it.
"It's so gross, Mom." [big grossed out sigh]
"It's not a bit gross, it's interesting. I'm excited to go and hear what they say."
"Oh yeah me too. I think it will be interesting, but all my friends say it is gross."
So we had an interesting conversation about how a lot of people get a little weirded out talking about personal stuff, but its fine. You are supposed to learn about things and it is a mom's job to teach you what's up.
"So it isn't gross?"
"Nope, it's just science."
After that she seemed excited to go. Luckily tonight was not the first time Grace was hearing most of this information. I think if it had been the first time hearing some of it, it would have blown her mind. I had to lean over a few times and say, "don't worry about that, we will talk about that later." I'm really, really convinced that the "birds and bees" talk is not one conversation or night at the school, but a series of conversations that get more informative as you age. (At least I hope it works out that way.)
Overall, I thought tonight was handled well. Though the lady giving the talk was really hitting the word horrific a lot. I know she is trying to dissuade everyone from getting pregnant as a teenager, but after you say the word horrific about 20 times during one puberty talk, well kids starting getting a weird vibe. Yes, some parts of pregnancy might technically be classified as challenging, but I think horrific is a bit much.
Grace and I had a good talk, post meeting. I think we have a good foundation for talking later.
I really enjoyed the experience tonight with her. I'm really loving mothering lately. I love watching them grow up.