Give it a whirl.
I'm not a big believer in New Year's resolutions. It feels too hard to change 14 things about yourself all at once. So every year my New Year's resolution is to make my bed. It's a simple, solid resolution. It always leads to bigger things because productivity abounds when your bed is made.
This year I'm adding one more resolution - resurrect the blog.
I couldn't sleep last night, so I busted out the old iPad and laughed and laughed as I read old blog posts.
(Of course I laugh at my own jokes - thats' how I know I'm funny.)
All the laughing made me realize that I love to write this stuff. I love to have it to look back on. So I'm going to try and get started again.
I'm not sure what I'll write about…
But I've got a feeling this gal will be making regular appearances:
And of course, pretty soon this will be my new kitchen, at which time I'll probably start feeding the kids something besides oatmeal and chicken nuggets again. I can always blog about food (that sounds pretty fun actually).
I plan to get the gray stripe colored out of my hair and that's always something to talk about. What no picture? No, I still have some dignity.
So there's stuff to say, I just have to get back in the swing of saying it.
You're skeptical, I know, and with good reason. I haven't made a blog book since 2010. I haven't blogged consistently in a couple of years. I'm all talk. Yadda. Yadda. Yadda.
Well, we won't know until we see how 2014 plays out, will we?