More mental coaching

Big karate tournament last weekend. I was sick.  I couldn't sit up long enough to make it Friday night and see Brynn's team win, but I managed to haul myself down there Saturday for the shorter competition with Grace's team.

We sat for an hour before it started while Grace and her team warmed up. About 15 mins before go-time, Grace runs up in the stands, throws herself into the seat next to me, head hanging down low. I realize she is trying not to cry.

"What happened?" I always assume someone has said something hurtful and I'm going to have to beat people up. I'm always prepared for that. I'm ready to take out any teenage boy that the moment calls for. :)

After a lot of nothing and she's fine, it finally squeaked out. "I keep dropping the staff. I can't do this."

There's a part of the demo routine where Grace is working with her bo staff. In one sequence she has to spin it around her neck. It looks super cool, but it's tricky because it can easily get caught on her collar and then she'll drop it. It happened during the school talent show and, understandably, rattled her a bit.

"No, no no." I said, "You can't do this to yourself. This is not about skill. You can catch it, I've watched you do it 100 times this afternoon alone. You have the skills to do this. This is 100% mental. You can't get in your head about this."

We had the don't overthink it, trust yourself, trust your motor memory, go out there and do it, you got this pep talk.

I held her hand and took a few deep breaths with her. I tried to get her to imagine herself catching it. I hugged her and told her not to practice any more.

"Just remember - you have the skill, performance day is 100% mental. Don't get in your own way. Just focus and trust yourself to be great."

She killed it, of course. Caught it no problems. Made big, powerful strikes. She was awesome. Her team placed 2nd overall. They were really great.

We gave her a big thumbs up after the routine and that little face was just beaming. 

Girls- when you read this in 20 years, just know you can do this. Whatever it is in this moment that has you overwhelmed, frustrated, freaked out, you can do it. Don't get in your own way. Do everything you can to be prepared and then trust yourself to be great. You got this. And if you have to cry for a minute, that's ok, but then dust yourself off and go crush it. I love you.


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