
After Christmas I got the bright idea that I needed some kind of creative outlet. Something to get me out of a writer's block funk and help invigorate my brain with fresh ideas. (I was writing a finance course at the time. I'm just happy I went looking for a creative outlet, instead of a really high bridge).

I write all day, so more writing didn't feel creative, it felt like work. My artistic ability is limited to stick people with hair, so no good. Then I had a great idea - music. I would dust off my rusty piano skills and start practicing. I bought a book of simple piano classics and started working on a few.

What is it they say about insanity? It's doing something over and over again and expecting different results. And yet we say practice makes perfect. So under the theory of practice if I play a song over and over, I can expect it to get better. Under the theory of insanity, playing it over and over and expecting it to get better, just makes me nuts. :)

Turns out that insanity and practice makes strange bedfellows. My life has been a little stressful lately (ok a lot, but much like I hate to cry in public, I refuse to vent in a pseudo-public forum) and every time I find myself really flipping out I sit down and play the piano for 10 mins.
  • Work deadline moved up three days - play for 10 mins...
  • Hear the words CUB-O-REE - play for 10 mins...
  • Help Grace with her homework - play for 10 mins...
  • Watch Brynn drop an entire gallon of milk on the floor - play for 15 mins (I hate a sticky floor)...
  • Respond to someone's plea to help them find their keys, phone, backpack, library book, sparkly Barbie dress, left shoe - play for 10 mins...

Basically anytime I feel like I'm losing it or I'm irritated with one of the kids I sit down and play. In other words - I play a lot!

Chad got home last night and I could feel the remaining shreds of my sanity slipping through my fingers, so I sat down to do what only the truly insane do - practice. He peeked at me from the kitchen and said "I'm sorry you're so stressed out, but maybe its a good sure are getting good!"

I'm pretty sure I said "Shut Up" and I know that wasn't sweet, but it was just the crazy piano lady talking.


Genna said…
Hmm. Maybe I should buy a piano.
Brynn said…
You know that if your blog is on Ruthann's that others in the ward are going to find it. Now your secret is out. I know they are always looking for piano players at church. You better watch out. I wish I could do the same, but the only spare 10 mins I have are when Luke is asleep, in the room next to the piano.
Lisa said…
Hi Brynn, well when Chad says I'm getting good you must keep in mind his incredible bias. He loves me and he doesn't want me to hurt him! :) My piano skills are pretty rudimentary - I just play for my own enjoyment. but a few more years of child raising and I just might be ready for a public performance!

Get Hooked said…
I'm not taking any blame what so ever! I have a private blog. (ok, if you want me to take your name off my list I will.) I'm jealous that you even have an ounce of piano knowledge. I need an outlet! You crack me up. I'm glad you switched so I can leave comments. There have been so many times I just want to tell you how funny and clever and witty I think you are!
Hee hee! I would love to give that one more justification to why we really really need a piano, but then Jason would say that I could do it with my harp, which I don't, because a) the kids won't let me and b) working on new music almost frustrates me more than calms....but there is just something about a piano. I am glad that it is an outlet for you seeing as I don't quite know how things are going to let up for you anytime soon....bummer! Thinking of you and hoping that it all gets a little easier....not that I am of any help. Honestly, let me know if that message is just the one more thing that you could do without and I will do something. I have totally had days....and weeks....months....errr, years like that. Take care, cutie!

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