It takes a team to run a village
I love Chad. He's a good man. I feel like we are truly partners in this life. We work together to make decisions, take care of the kids, earn enough to keep everyone fed and in clothes that fit them. I feel like we are on the same wave length - most of the time (wink).
I got home at 10:30 last night after working a full day and teaching a class to find 2 sleeping kids, a clean kitchen and 3 loads of clean laundry piled on my bed.
Sorry he didn't get it all folded, he said, but would I mind if he ran to the gym for a while. To which I said "No problem. I'll fold until I hit sheet and then I'm going to bed." And I sat there folding thinking to myself - this is what I wanted for a husband. Someone who loves me in spite of my many, many quirks. Someone who will help me manage everything going on in our lives. Someone who makes me laugh - a lot.
Chad and I often find ourselves our working in the yard or running errands or chasing kids and one of us will say "I have more fun when I'm with you." I would never expect Chad to do everything and I'm glad he doesn't require that of me either.
I'm glad we have each other, my love. I'm glad we are a team. I just hope I make you as happy as you make me.