Waste not

I don't like to waste things. I literally use something until it falls apart. I squeeze every last tiny drop out of the toothpaste tube. I'm not too good about using up all the leftovers, but I'm trying to get better because throwing out food kills me. Anyway, I'm forever reminding the girls to eat what they take. Not to pour more milk than they will drink. Not to use something one time and then throw it out...blah, blah, blah.

I've noticed something about my kids - when the use the restroom they are very liberal in their use of toilet paper. A piece of TP as tall as they are -- not uncommon. A little extra laying on the floor -- no problem. Unroll a whole bunch they don't need -- that's just fun.

So they are not exactly TP conservationsits, but if I ask someone to bring me some toilet paper to blow my nose they bring me ONE square. "You don't need more mom. It's a waste."

Selective listening or selective understanding? I'm going with C - they are trying to torture me.


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