Sleepy, Jumpy, Clumsy and maybe some other dwarfs
I have quirks. That is sort of the understatement of the century. :) Among my many quirky qualities is my proclivity to run into stationary objects. Walls, doors, pieces of furniture -- all hazardous. I'm forever stubbing my toes, bruising myself - what can I say? I'm lame. (ha! just reread that - double meaning. lame? get it? nevermind.)
I also scare quite easily. I tend to get a bit lost in my own thoughts, "in the zone" Chad calls it. So I'm often jarred back into the moment. I can know, for example,that Chad is coming home at a specific time and sometimes I can even think I heard him come in, but when he walks into the room and calls my name - I scream. Almost every time. He's tried not calling out, but instead walking up and tapping me on the shoulder. No good - I still scream and then I turn around and karate chop him. So he has opted for just calling my name - smart man.
I've had only about 9 hours of sleep since Sunday and have noticed that the sleep deprivation tends to heighten some of my quirks.
Yesterday, for instance, I was feeling tired and headachy after I got everyone off to school. But I needed to go downstairs to my office and check my email before getting dressed. I decided to attempt that little feat in the dark. Somehow I managed to make it all the way down the the basement stairs and to my desk without injuring myself. I sat down and reached over to turn on the computer. In so doing I felt something brush against my hand and in its sleepy state, and with its tendency to overreact to mild situations, my brain thought "RAT!!!!!!!!"
So I screamed and I jumped. Well, not so much jumped really as threw myself 10 feet backwards and out of my chair. And let's just say the landing ... ouch. I managed to get the light on and turned to face the rodent foe only to find...oh yeah, not a rat, the cat tail from Brynn's Halloween costume.
And again I say - I'm lame.
I also scare quite easily. I tend to get a bit lost in my own thoughts, "in the zone" Chad calls it. So I'm often jarred back into the moment. I can know, for example,that Chad is coming home at a specific time and sometimes I can even think I heard him come in, but when he walks into the room and calls my name - I scream. Almost every time. He's tried not calling out, but instead walking up and tapping me on the shoulder. No good - I still scream and then I turn around and karate chop him. So he has opted for just calling my name - smart man.
I've had only about 9 hours of sleep since Sunday and have noticed that the sleep deprivation tends to heighten some of my quirks.
Yesterday, for instance, I was feeling tired and headachy after I got everyone off to school. But I needed to go downstairs to my office and check my email before getting dressed. I decided to attempt that little feat in the dark. Somehow I managed to make it all the way down the the basement stairs and to my desk without injuring myself. I sat down and reached over to turn on the computer. In so doing I felt something brush against my hand and in its sleepy state, and with its tendency to overreact to mild situations, my brain thought "RAT!!!!!!!!"
So I screamed and I jumped. Well, not so much jumped really as threw myself 10 feet backwards and out of my chair. And let's just say the landing ... ouch. I managed to get the light on and turned to face the rodent foe only to find...oh yeah, not a rat, the cat tail from Brynn's Halloween costume.
And again I say - I'm lame.