Synaptic Misfire
I think I'm going to start a new regular post - some people do Wordless Wednesdays or Memory Mondays...I've tried both and I can't remember to post that regularly, so I'm going with something a little more me. It's going to be a running series I'll call synaptic misfire.
You know how sometimes you are just jabbering along and next thing you know, wham! the synapses in your brain fire in a wonky way and you jump to something completely different and off topic? Well, I like to call that "synaptic misfire." Here's an example from this morning.
I was helping Grace get ready for school and she wanted to wear a pink belt. For context, Grace has convinced herself she hates pink! Hates it. Won't drink from a pink cup, wear anything with pink on it, color with a pink crayon. None of it. She hates pink. Hates it! Get it?
But she loves this pink belt with sparkly rhinestones on the buckle. Eh, dilemma. She loves the belt, but wearing it will undermine the years of work that went into getting the "I hate pink" message out there.
So this morning we were having a long conversation about how even if you don't like something, its ok to be open minded. Someday you might find you like something similar to what you thought you hated and that's ok. So you don't like pink, but you love one pink belt. No worries!
So I put the belt on her and buckled it securely. "There, what do you think?" I said, clearly referring to the belt and the important life conversation we had just had. And you know what she said?
"I hate monkeys. They stink."
And that, my friends, is synaptic misfire.
You know how sometimes you are just jabbering along and next thing you know, wham! the synapses in your brain fire in a wonky way and you jump to something completely different and off topic? Well, I like to call that "synaptic misfire." Here's an example from this morning.
I was helping Grace get ready for school and she wanted to wear a pink belt. For context, Grace has convinced herself she hates pink! Hates it. Won't drink from a pink cup, wear anything with pink on it, color with a pink crayon. None of it. She hates pink. Hates it! Get it?
But she loves this pink belt with sparkly rhinestones on the buckle. Eh, dilemma. She loves the belt, but wearing it will undermine the years of work that went into getting the "I hate pink" message out there.
So this morning we were having a long conversation about how even if you don't like something, its ok to be open minded. Someday you might find you like something similar to what you thought you hated and that's ok. So you don't like pink, but you love one pink belt. No worries!
So I put the belt on her and buckled it securely. "There, what do you think?" I said, clearly referring to the belt and the important life conversation we had just had. And you know what she said?
"I hate monkeys. They stink."
And that, my friends, is synaptic misfire.