The orthodontist is my friend

So for those of you who don't know my tortuous history with orthodontics and other assorted dental activities, well let's just I have a tortuous history with orthodontics and dental activities. Thanks to my many, many procedures my teeth are a lot straighter, my jaw works as jaws were meant to and my wallet is a lot lighter than it would otherwise be. I'm pretty sure I paid for the flat screen TV in my orthodontist's office and that was after he put 3 kids through college on my dime. You're welcome, buddy! Happy to contribute.

I also now hyperventilate when anyone comes at me with that little vacuum, but that's neither here nor there.

Anyway, today orthodontics took hold of a new generation. Grace go her first appliance. She has a little spacing appliance on her bottom teeth. Her midline has shifted and taken up a space that is meant for an adult tooth, she's pretty borderline for needing braces right now. In an effort to hold that off for a few years, we decided for the spacing appliance.

She went in last Monday for the spacers, which bothered her all week. I knew they would. You know how great it feels to have meat stuck between your teeth for five mins? Well times that by 10 and have to endure it for a week. That's what spacers feel like. She was a trooper though. She stuck it out and hardly complained.

This morning we went in to have the appliance put in. Here's the thing about orthodontics. People take their hands, weird tools, shiny lights, gross tasting crude and various other goodies and shove them all inside you mouth at the same time. It's not fun when you are 30 (I know), but it is really scary when you are 8.

It was so hard to sit and watch Grace with her great big scared eyes, her tense little body and know that what they were doing hurt. I've never hurt her for her own good before and I didn't love it. I sat at the end of the big chair and rubbed her leg while they worked on her. When they cemented the appliance in they stuffed those cotton gauze rolls around her tongue, sat her up and had her bite down on the gauze as hard as she could for three minutes. Oh, it was torture. But she never cried. She just held my hands and kind of shook her head no - subtly. I just kept saying "You're doing great!" "You got this!" "Just one more minute."

She did it. I was proud of her. Her teeth are very sore tonight, but she's had a blessing and a lot of motrin, so she's hanging in there. In a few days, I'm sure she'll be used to it and it won't be a big deal. I'm really glad we did it while she wasn't in school. I would feel terrible to send her to school tomorrow.

I have to say, that despite the torture they insist on inflicting on me and my loved ones, I do love my orthodontist. They are so good. The same gal that used to do all my adjustments took care of Grace today. She was really kind and set Grace at ease. I love the doctor. I trust him, I think he's smart and I place a high value on smart. I like how he talks to me and makes me feel like I'm part of the decision making process for my kid. The office is pretty and they give free toothbrushes.

Seriously, what more can you hope for in an orthodontist?

Well, there was that guy when I was 12. The one who had the hair plugs and routinely hit on my mom while he was working on me. Yeah, he was awesome.

If you are looking for an orthodontist call me and I'll give you the information. No, no... for the good one, not the hair plug guy. I'm pretty sure someone has sued him for sexual harassment by now, anyway.


Get Hooked said…
Ohhhh, Poor Grace! I HATED HATED HATED my orthodontist growing up. When I drive past his office today I still fight the urge to flip off the office. (I know so juvenile). I can just imagine how Grace felt and still feels. But I agree, at least it is while she is out of school and so young. Send her my love and sympathy!

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