Animal Game

The Animal Game is a Christensen family favorite. Chad played it with his family growing up and now we play it with our kids.

It is pretty simple. Each person takes a turn acting like an animal and the other people try to guess what animal they are. Dad usually is an animal that involves attacking and gnawing on the legs of little children (aka. Dad is almost always a beaver or a badger).

Tonight the girls took the Animal Game to a whole new level. The were choosing and guessing obscure animals--cheetahs, pumas...

Grace came out like a tiger and when we finally guessed tiger she said "Yeah, but what kind of tiger?" We didn't know. "Ah, white siberian snow tiger." Right...that was my next guess. New rule. No more having to guess the color of animal you are. That's too hard.

Brynn came out arms and legs moving fast, tongue flailing. She literally attacked Chad and in an excited squeal cried "I'm something sticky!" Turns out Gecko!

We are still laughing over "I'm something sticky."

Me? I was monkey. I have mad monkey skills. :)


Brammer Family said…
I am going to have Jeb push and push and push for a ward talent show at the very next meeting he has with the Bishop. Be prepared to be signed up.
Sounds like our favorite game of "I'm thinking of an animal" needs that kind of added excitement!

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