I love how kids explain things. I think it is pretty brilliant to take something you know and use it to explain a new idea.
For example...
Brynn is currently obsessed with collecting seeds. During recess, she fills her pants pockets with them and when she gets in the car she digs them out of her pockets and hands them to me with great care.
The other day while transitioning her precious cargo from her tiny hands to mine, she said "Careful, mom, Careful. Don't kill the worms."
L: "What?! What worms?"
B: "Seeds have little worms in them."
L: "What are you talking about crazy girl?"
B: [exasperated with my total stupidity] "Ok, mom. Let me tell you how seeds work. You find seeds and you plant them in the dirt and then the little tiny green worms come out and work their way up toward the sun and then they turn into leaves and those leaves turn into trees."
Now at first blush that sounds pretty weird, but think about what a seed looks like when it sprouts. It sort of looks like a little green worm. It pops through the soil and then it turns into leaves and if you wait long enough those leaves do turn into trees.
So with my new found understanding, I gently tucked her seeds into a tissue and put them in my cup holder, careful not to kill any of the worms.