Blog Book. 2008.

My 2008 blog book came!!

Yes, it took me a year to put it together, but I have a busy life and because I do not edit my posts as I write them, that leaves me with the rather unfortunate task of doing it at the end of the year.

Yes, it make sense to do it as I go, but that's not my process, so hush up. My process is carefree writing now, a lot of work later.

Anyway, back to the book. It is awesome!!

It's pretty long, 145 pages, where my first book was only 37! I didn't know how to really use the software then, so I just used the basic template. Let's just say my skills have vastly improved.

In this edition there are tons more pictures. The font is bigger. It's better organized. I'm really happy with how it turned out.

Makes me motivated...guess this weekend I'll be starting on the book for 2009!

As an aside, my apologies for the blatant exclamation point abuse in this post. 6 of those babies in one post. Oy. I usually try to be judicious, but apparently today I'm tossing them around like beads at Mardi Gras!

Ah, 7. shoot.


Marci said…
I am so jealous! I have been blogging for five years and still haven't made anything into a book. Kudos to you. I have no idea how to do it and no time to figure it out....ah, someday when the four are grown.
Oooohh....I so want to look at it. I'm giving up on laying out my own template. Which isn't that hard....but just not happening. Congrats.

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