Pondering. Dental Style.

We've been to the dentist twice in the last two weeks. We now all officially have clean teeth and no cavities.

I do get to make another trip for a little work, but that's because I love going soooo much. Huh. No, that's not it.

Maybe its because I I love the sound that little vacuum makes as it's descending toward my face. Ah, nope.

Perhaps its my genetic propensity for dental issues. Yep, pretty sure that's it. Or as my dentist tells me, it's cause I'm so special. yay. thanks Dr. B.

Yes, we've been scaled, shined, scraped, buffed, sucked, rinsed, florid-ed and x-rayed.

We found out that the smallest among us is about to lose her two bottom teeth and get permanent teeth. That's right. Brynn is getting big girl teeth. She's frankly beside herself. She's currently clenching her jaw tightly hoping that through sheer force of will she can keep her teeth in.

We have shiny new tooth brushes, fluffy new dental floss and pristine tubes of toothpaste whose caps still fit on properly.

All the time spent in the dentist's office has made me wonder...

Was dental floss really so cumbersome, so bulky, so blasted unwieldy that it really necessitated the invention of travel size floss?

Mmhmm. Chew on that. (Ha! Love a good dental pun.)


I LOVE going to the dentist. I'd go every month if I could just to have that squeaky clean feeling. Too bad we don't have coverage. We're lucky if we make it once a year. Too darn expensive! Best of luck to Brynn on her efforts!!!
Lisa said…
we don't have dental insurance either, so we just have to suck it up and pay. Not ideal, but necessary.

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