Be My Valentine.

When I was pregnant with Brynn, I worried about being able to love another baby as much as my first. I loved Grace so totally and completely, it seemed impossible to love any other creature as much.

I remember crying over it. Big, worried tears.

But something miraculous happened when Brynn was born. I fell in love with Brynn and I didn't love Grace less. I didn't have to find a way to fit them both into the finite spaces of my heart. My heart wasn't finite at all. It simply grew to embrace them both.

I know Valentine's Day is a greeting card holiday. But I love it. What's better than a day set aside for the sole purpose of saying "I love you?"

I've been thinking about all the people I love this week. I'm lucky. I have a lot of people in my life to love, but I always have room for one more.

Be my valentine? Happy Valentine's Day.


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