Easter and the BBB

We seem to be developing a C family tradition, where everyone comes into town for Easter. Chad's brothers and sister and their various assortment of children descended on Grandma's backyard for the 2nd annual color coordinated Easter egg hunt.

The kids had fun scouring the backyard for their assigned egg color and it was fun to watch 8 sets of legs (depending on their age and agility) running, toddling, and teetering through Grandma's backyard. We even had a gymnast or two balancing on the beams of Grandma's being-rebuilt deck.

It was all very sweet and normal and then what happened next...well I can scarcely describe.

Let's back up. The week before arriving Chad's sister Jen sent an email laying out her plans and trying to coordinate Grandma's Easter Egg hunt. She copied all the boys on her email and the rest of the afternoon they traded funny ideas about Easter Egg hunts for adults, Bunny Tan Tan Wars, shooting eggs out of John's air cannon, playing Jenny's flinching game with hard boiled eggs, and dressing up in bunny suits for a Bunny Brawl.

So we all had a good laugh that afternoon and then thought no more of it. Until Aaron and Jen come wearing those big sumo wrestling suits and bunny ears! Right now you are wishing you married a Christensen boy, so you too could celebrate Easter with Sumo suits and bunny ears. Just admit it.

For the next hour, adult members of the family Sumo wrestled in the backyard. Everyone seemed to enjoy it with two noted exceptions. Cooper, my 2 year old nephew and a true tender heart was terrified. What he was seeing so defied explanation that he clung to his mother and cried. Eventually he seemed to get used to it, but for a while, wailing. And me. I worry about people hurting themselves. While I really enjoyed watching them all dress up and bop around in the giant sumo suit, when they started trying to knock each other over I got nervous. The nerves killed the fun for me a bit.

Despite my nerves - they all looked totally hilarious and had a great time. (Oh, and no pics. My camera was out of batteries.)

After the wrestling, we had  nice family dinner and then the boys all changed into their church clothes and went to priesthood session. Not John, though. John forgot his clothes so he borrowed a shirt, tie and sports coat from Grandpa and threw those on with his jeans. We told him he could get away with it because he's from Bluffdale and isn't that how most people dress for church in Bluffdale?!?! Burn! Sorry all you Bluffdale-ites. I know I'm not winning any friends here, but I couldn't resist.

On Sunday we had a nice little Easter Egg hunt at home, went to Chad's mom and dad's for breakfast and watched the morning session of General Conference. I officially love Easter Sunday General Conference. Combining two lovely days really packs a spiritual punch.

We then headed to my mom's for Easter dinner. She had gone all out. Lovely table setting, fun Easter baskets for the girls and a really delicious meal, which she didn't even make me help with since I had been back in town about 16 hours by then.

It was a lovely afternoon, complete with a final Easter egg hunt. You would think that the 4th hunt would be boring, but it wasn't for two significant reasons - my mom used the entire second floor of her house and instead of filling the eggs with candy she filled them with stickers and MONEY! Which left Chad and I wondering where our eggs were.

All in all, a great weekend! 


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