Sakura Matsuri 2010 - the Highlights
Getting up at 5:00 AM stinks. No way around it. 5:00 AM = suckfest.
Sunrises over the National Monuments is beautiful. The creamy colored stone, the dark blue swirl of the Potomac and the lovely pale pinks of the morning sun. Gorgeous.
Still didn't see the cherry blossoms around the tidal basin this year. Cherry blossoms peaked a week or so before the festival.
We did not have to battle the gale force winds of Sakura Matsuri 09 (click here to read last year's post). It was cold again this year, but not as bad, but I was much better dressed for the weather. Yay for Under Armour!
The crowds were intense again, but our system was much better this time meaning shorter lines, more transactions and a more enjoyable experience over all. I know it was better because this year, because Naomi wasn't hiding under the table pretending not to speak English.
We still didn't really get to eat, but it doesn't feel like a real war if they let you have a lunch break.
This year we continued to learn that there are a lot of misconceptions about Kokeshi dolls. Some people are lovely and interested and believe us when we tell them things. Others, well not so much. So in case you were wondering...
They are not made in China. When we say Japanese folk art doll, we mean Japanese. The real deal. No lead paint here, people.
They do not open and have 10 little dolls inside them. Yes, you probably do have a Russian doll that opens in such a manner. Those are nesting dolls, these are not. They do not open. You can twist that thing 6 ways from Sunday and I promise it will not open. If it does you have some kind of inexplicable, super human strength as the dolls are made of solid wood.
Solid wood means that there is no place to put the salt or pepper. And no, their heads don't bobble either. I see why you think that would be funny, but I don't think the 89 year old kokeshi artists will be nearly as amused by the idea. I could be wrong.
It was great to be there again. We saw lots of people from last year and had a great time talking about the beautiful dolls.
As we packed up, loaded the truck and headed home the sun was just dipping below the horizon and pale pink cloudy swirls ringed the tidal basin. Sunrise and sunset over Washington, what a long and lovely day.