food storage makes you sick.
Brynn is sick. Again.
This year's theme is 2010 in 2010.
the number of times Brynn will sound like she's hacking up a lung this year
the number of fevers she will run
the number of sleepless nights we will pace the house together
the bottles of children's motrin we will polish off
the number of times Brynn will "throw up" (aka spit) in the sink/toilet/garbage can...
the number of times I will get directly sneezed on
the number of times I will then ask sneezy to cover her mouth
the number of times I will then purell my hands
Ah, life.
So anyway, she's sick. She's peeved and she's looking for answers. Why is she sick? Why, oh why??
She was quite a sight this morning--runny nose, peeved little face, topless, crazy bed head and wild eyed, the train of a giant pink snuggie flowing out behind her. I fixed her a snack.
On Saturday we went to the Emergency Essentials Store. They let my children sample some granola. My children promptly snarfed up said granola and asked for seconds. Inspiried by their enthusiasm for something not deep fried or suger frosted I promptly bought two cans of said granola. Said cans were promtly opened upon our return home and my two children promptly began eating A LOT of granola.
I hand Brynn a small helping of granola. She promptly throws a tiny fistful in her mouth and proclaims "That's it! I'm getting sick from all this granola!"
If only granola caused upper respiratory symptoms we might be onto something...
This year's theme is 2010 in 2010.
the number of times Brynn will sound like she's hacking up a lung this year
the number of fevers she will run
the number of sleepless nights we will pace the house together
the bottles of children's motrin we will polish off
the number of times Brynn will "throw up" (aka spit) in the sink/toilet/garbage can...
the number of times I will get directly sneezed on
the number of times I will then ask sneezy to cover her mouth
the number of times I will then purell my hands
Ah, life.
So anyway, she's sick. She's peeved and she's looking for answers. Why is she sick? Why, oh why??
She was quite a sight this morning--runny nose, peeved little face, topless, crazy bed head and wild eyed, the train of a giant pink snuggie flowing out behind her. I fixed her a snack.
On Saturday we went to the Emergency Essentials Store. They let my children sample some granola. My children promptly snarfed up said granola and asked for seconds. Inspiried by their enthusiasm for something not deep fried or suger frosted I promptly bought two cans of said granola. Said cans were promtly opened upon our return home and my two children promptly began eating A LOT of granola.
I hand Brynn a small helping of granola. She promptly throws a tiny fistful in her mouth and proclaims "That's it! I'm getting sick from all this granola!"
If only granola caused upper respiratory symptoms we might be onto something...