May was made for Mothers - Wisdom.

In the tradition of those good mothers, who fill the generations before me, here they are, the three best pieces of mothering advice I've received:

1. If a child is pestering you for attention, stop what you are doing and give her 20 mins. It will change both of your lives and attitudes.

2. If your children in are in phase and that phase is driving you to the edge of your sanity, hang in there two more weeks and they are sure to shift to something new.

3. Some days all a mother does is rock her baby.

Great-Great Grandma Alice and Grandma Noma (Grandmother and Granddaughter)

Great Grandma Ida and Grandma Nome (Mother and daughter)

Great Grandma Ida and Sharon (Grandmother and Granddaughter)

 Grandma Noma and Sharon (Mother and daughter)

Sharon and Lisa (Mother and daughter)

4 Generations (L-R) - Noma, Ida, Lisa and Sharon

Today's 4 Generations (L-R) Brynn, Lisa, Noma, Sharon and Grace

In the spirit of some "good" advice never goes out of style. Here's one more piece of wisdom.

I tell my children they will go blind if they sit too close to the TV. That's right, blind.

While I realize the science on such advice is shaky at best, it still makes them move back to a more acceptable distance, so I'm sticking with an old classic. And darling daughters of mine, when you grow up and small versions of you are sitting with their noses pressed to the screen I give you permission to use the shaky science on them as well.


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