Sponge Bob Made Me Do It.

Last night Chad and I were watching the news. I'm not sure why. We never watch the news.

But we watched the entire broadcast. I've now had all the horror, heroism and kitten stories I can stand.

There was a story about Sponge Bob. The premise of the story? Well, basically that Sponge Bob makes kids stupid. This is a shocking piece of news, is it not? Sponge Bob does not develop a child's intellect?!?! I could weep from the rocking my world has taken over this revelation.

I was sorting laundry as we watched and handed Chad a basket of whites.

"Will you go start these for me?"


I got back to sorting and the next time I turn around Chad is folding the whites.

"Um, what are you doing?"


"Those are dirty. I said start them for me."

"Well I always fold things before I put them in."


"Not my fault, ok? I've watched a lot of Sponge Bob the past few years. It's made me stupid."


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