We own this dirt.

the homestead.
We bought a lot. No not a lot, a LOT. A home lot.

Don't go getting all excited. I don't think we will be moving for a few years. We could move now sure, but we'd have to live in a tent and I'm just not down with that.

The lot came along earlier this year and, even though it took months, everything just sort of fell into place. We drove out there Friday evening after we closed. We parked the car at one end and walked up to the top to take in the view.

"The car looks really far away, Chad."

"I know crazy."

"This is a lot of lot. Seriously what are we going to do with it?"

"Grow weeds? Camp!"

"A thousand times no, we are not camping on the lot."

"The guy said we could."


We stood in the dusky haze and watched the kids run and play. Chad put his arm around me and I thought we were going to have some big moment. Talk about how far we've come in life. Wonder when we got old enough that people let us buy stuff like this without parental permission. Be amazed at the thought of standing on a piece of our own future.

I was feeling it. I was ready for a big moment to seal this big moment with.

"I think I can see the Y from here," Chad said.

"Oh you cannot."

"I really think I can. I need to get some binoculars and then we should come back out here and see if we can see the Y."

"There is no way you can see the Y from here."

"I think you can."

I wiggled out from under his crazy arm and started back toward the car.


I turned around to look at him. "What?"

"I really am excited to work toward this with you."

"Me too."

Now that's a moment.


Get Hooked said…
I don't like this. I don't like this one little bit! That's all... I mean I'm so excited for you this is such a great and exciting step in the life of Lisa. Congrats and good luck!
Whoa!!!! I know I'm a slacker when it comes to blogs, but Lisa, dear, how many times have I seen you?! I am super excited for you because I know that you have wanted to go this direction, but Whoa! Where is it? Super fun!

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