Someone stole my cilantro

I love to cook. Love it. I love to read cookbooks and cooking magazines. I read recipes, a lot of recipes. I make a list of the ones that sound the best and sneak a few new things into the dinner rotation every week.

I try to plan a four meals for the week (knowing I'll probably cook three of them and then make a few of my old speedy standbys on busy nights). I use my recipes to make a shopping list for the week, the ultimate goal being that I only have to go to the store once.

So last night, I'm cooking away using one of my new recipes - shredded chicken tacos. I head to the fridge looking for the bunch of cilantro. But huh...gone. I took everything out of my packed produce drawers, looked on all the shelves, even checked my pantry and the grocery bags, but it was all for naught. Cilantro was MIA.

I very distinctly remember buying cilantro this week. I remember because it was literally drenched and I had to shake to water off before I put it in the bag. The grocery store keeps their produce WAY too wet. Anyway...I bought it, but it was gone. Normally I'd blame the children, but a bunch of green cilantro isn't exactly a bag of donuts, so I'm feeling relatively confident that they are not moonlighting as masked cilantro bandits.

I prep everything else, wait for Chad to come home, because I know better than to try and drag the kids through the grocery store at 5:30 PM. Yeah, not my first day on the mom job.

At the store I purchase my cilantro and a few other fresh produce items. (I'll admit, it is literally impossible for me to go to the grocery store and buy one thing. It's my crack, people. I go and see fresh basil, interesting kinds of Asian cabbage, delicious aged cheeses, fresh baguettes, perfect cuts of meat...and I start cooking in my head. See why I should only go to the store once a week??)

Anyway, I make my purchases and am heading out to the car when I see Redbox and I get really excited, because for once in a blue moon there's no line!

I remember when Redbox was first introduced inside McDonalds, of all places, and I distinctly remember thinking what a colossally stupid idea that was. Who on Earth was going to go to McDonalds to rent a movie? Well, egg on my face. Redbox is now top of the list of things I wish I had invented, like those little plastic things on the tips of your shoelaces, the cardboard ring around Starbucks cups and the Internet. I know, I'm definitely not smart enough to have invented the Internet, but those other things seem within the realm of my mental capabilities.

So how does this story end, not great, unfortunately. I went home, finished cooking, ate, cleaned up, put everyone to bed, had a cookie, and watched my Redbox movie. The movie was terrible. There's $1.07 I'll never get back. It left me cursing my inability to predict the trend of mass-marketing accessible and cheap entertainment. If only I'd been smart enough to sucker people into renting cheap, terrible movies. That Redbox guy is lining his pocketbook thanks to my missing cilantro. Hey, Redbox man, a cilantro nabbing suspect...I'm going to look into that.


I am *terrible,* to say the least, at ever walking out of the store with only what I went in for. But my catch is deals. Deals that I know are good but seem to add up when you keep stocking up on deals. Alas! You're good to even go and get when you need. I hate shopping and opt for going without than running to the store. Gotta get over that. But I love redbox. And I so remember having similar thoughts to yours and yet now, I can't imagine any other way. A thing of beauty.

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