Giving Thanks. Chad.

Been thinking about how I'm going to approach November. November is about gratitude. And so begins my efforts to be conscious of the many blessings in my life.

Today I'm grateful for a great husband who makes me laugh and worries about my happiness more than his own.

A guy who:

Is smart, funny, and could fill hours and hours of my life with movie quotes (and I'd be laughing all those hours).

Is good with money

Is a great dad

Is brave enough to sneak up behind me and kiss the back of my neck even though he knows I'll probably spin around and smack him in the arm (apparently I'm a hitter).

Gets up in the middle of the night to check on noises that I hear.

Never forgets things that are important to me.

Champions my every aspiration.

Is my biggest fan and never criticizes anything I do, even when I deserve it.

Puts his arm around me when I'm cold.

Doesn't get mad when I refuse to share my food.

Let's me put my face in his neck and cry when I've had a bad day.

Tells me all the time how lucky he is to have me, even though I'm clearly the lucky one.

Love you, baby.


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