Giving Thanks. Humor.

I was raised by funny people, who were raised by funny people. I married a funny guy and have funny kids. I like to think humor is one of my strongest genes.

I love funny things. I love silly things. I love weird randomness and the strange words the Japanese string together and use as slogans. Hence, one of my prized possessions is a pair of pink chopsticks in a case that says "Baby monkey is very cute but very urchin!!!"

I love funny faces and making up silly songs to get the girls to do things.

Quirky, weirdness...yep, that's my thing. I'm grateful to be surrounded by funny people and super grateful that most of my memories involve laughing so hard I think I might throw up! :) Humor makes you happy. I like being happy and therefore, I am grateful for humor. (I feel an algebraic equation coming on.)

For your enjoyment...a recent example of the weirdness that brings me so much joy:

The bathrooms at Colonial Williamsburg in VA. And I bet you thought history wouldn't be funny!


Anonymous said…
I grinned all the way through your post. I would like to be a fly at the picnic when your family gets together! Loved your favorite overheard lines. It takes a special ear to hear them and recognize their delicious absurdity!

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