Giving Thanks. Primary.
Here is the amazing thing about Primary - it 100% renewed my love and enthusiasm for my kids. I needed perspective. I needed something to pull me out of the mire and show me why I mattered to my kids. Through primary, I got it.
It's hard to explain the transformation. I felt completely enveloped in the sweet love of those glorious primary children. Not every week, not every moment, there was a lot of wiggling and talking and racket (and you know my total aversion to racket). But there were these great moments of immense spirit. And in those moments I found a clarity about being a mom, loving my girls, enjoying the journey with them.
Primary taught me that I'm actually pretty creative. That I can explain things on a kid level. It reminded me of how important it is to teach simple gospel principles. It reminded me that I have a testimony of those simple principles. It reminded me that I love kids and for some inexplicable reason, they love me.
I walked into Primary and its like the Lord put his arms around me and showed me my darling children in a whole new light. Over the weeks and months it was like He was pointing to my girls and saying "see how precious they are? You matter. You are making a difference. They need you here."
Want to learn more? Click here to read about Primary in the LDS church.