Ballet Recital, otehrwise known as we HATE mascara

Brynn had her ballet recital at the end of June. Gone were the nerves of recitals past. She was excited, ready, knew her dance, and determined, dare I say, hell-bent, to smile the whole performance.

And smile she did.

She appeared from the dark folds of the curtains and I bet you could see her smile on the moon. Her face was literally beaming. She was long and graceful and my heart nearly burst with pride, because I know the fear she has overcome.

She looked beautiful, but getting her to the fully made up state was a bit of a challenge. She kind of freaks out when you approach her eyes with any sort of makeup implement. I'm not faulting her strong survival instincts, but geez...its mascara, it's not going to kill you.

For your viewing pleasure I present a photo essay, entitled
"But Mom, I HATE mascara!!!"

Step 1- eye shadow, drama brewing

Step 2 - first mascara attempt

Step 3 - helping Brynn learn to open her eyes wider, note: does not work, she closes her eyes and just opens her mouth


Trying again
Profile of the finished product. Could you just eat her? Ah, she's so gorgeous.

And a ballet pose for good measure!

She was standing on a step stool, by the way. She's very tall for 6, but she's not 5' 7". That would be Guinness book of world records tall and who needs that kind of notoriety?


scott said…
wow you hair is getting very long lisa

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