A Christmas Visit with GG and Grandpa

We didn't go up to see my grandparents for Thanksgiving and we are going to be out of town for Christmas, so we decided to make a quick trip up to see them. We spent last Saturday afternoon visiting with them. I took lunch, so we didn't have to try and haul the kids out somewhere. I just made Rigatoni and a big salad and we spent the afternoon eating lunch and visiting. We had a nice afternoon.

We took them a little gift -- a print of the Eric Dowdle painting "Solvang." My grandparents lived in California, near Solvang in their younger years. The speak fondly of that time and I thought they would like the print. They actually recognized a lot of the places in the print, so I think it was a good gift for them.

The gave the girls each a tin with Pez dispensers and candy in it and the girls, of course, ate every last Pez before we got into the car.

I enjoy spending time with them, especially when it is just us. It is interesting to hear their stories. I hope our visit was fun and not stressful for them (you never know when you take two little kids up with you). The girls did well though. We took a movie for them to watch and they did a good job keeping themselves entertained so we could talk.

I'm glad we went and really glad we went early in the month before things go to hectic, so we could go without feeling rushed.


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