Date night with Mom and Dad

Recently both Grace and Brynn got to go on a special date with Chad and I. It was a great night.

Grace's Date
Grace finally got to go to the much anticipated Jazz game, Chad had promised her. She was so excited and Chad was excited to take her, until we found out that the game started at 8:30 PM! That's really late for our kids. They go to bed about 7:30, especially Grace, who generally requires more sleep than your average bear. But we'd already promised, so we decided to go ahead and let her go.

She looked forward to it all week--her special date with Dad--and thankfully the game did not disappoint. She wore her Darren Williams Jazz Jersey and apparently asked Chad about 200 times if Williams was going to play. She called me on her way home and when I asked her how it was she said "Oh mom, it was so huge. I've never seen any place so big (which is probably true, she probably hasn't really every been anywhere as big as the Delta center.)

And Williams was great. And I saw the Bear. (Chad told me that she hadn't realized there was mascot and she loved watching him.) And I caught a shirt!! The bear shoots shirts out of a canyon (not cannon, canyon) and I caught one!"

They got home very late, but she was all a buzz with how wonderful it was. She had so many things to tell me. She got to drink a huge soda (a big deal, because I never let them have soda) and eat a giant tub of popcorn. She got some noise making sticks, which they always give out in the section where we have out tickets because they are behind the basket. Apparently its good form to try and distract players on the other team by banging things together. Ah sports - so weird. Chad told me he held onto them for her and whenever she saw other people start banging their sticks together she would say "Oh quick, dad, quick. I need my sticks!" Chad was proud of her because she actually watched most of the game. He said she seemed to love everything, but she wasn't too impressed with the dancers (cheerleaders). "She didn't like them?" I asked. "Honestly," he said "I don't even think she noticed them."

Brynn's Date
I didn't want Brynn to feel left out, so I planned a special date for her too. We went to the Festival of Trees and it was perfect for her. She wanted to ride in the stroller, so she didn't have to walk in the crowd. As we went up and down the rows of trees she started making this little sniffing sound.

B: "What is that smell?"

L: "Cinnamon. Cinnamon rolls, actually."

She wanted a cinnamon roll, but wanted to look around at everything first to make sure it was the best choice. She's sweet that way. After perusing the snack options, she decided that she did indeed want a cinnamon roll. So I got her one and a little carton of milk and we found a seat to watch some girls from a local dance studio. She like the treat and the dancing, but mostly she was fascinated with drinking milk straight out of the carton.

It was one of the moments you really want to bottle. She kept laying her head on my arm and looking up at me with those big blue eyes. She gave me bites of her cinnamon roll and sighed "oh, you're the best mom in the whole town." She was ready to go, so we took a couple of pictures, got her bundled up and jogged to the car.

The parking lot was really busy, so it took a while to get out of there. She favored me with some of her stories ... my personal favorite was one about supermom fighting a dragon. She slams him into a puddle over and over and over until he "gets died." Then she told me jokes and laughed and laughed. It was great. I think the event was a good choice for her, but mostly she loved the one on one time, the attention. She told everyone for three days after that she went on a date with her mom.

We finally made it out of there and I peeked in my rear view mirror at her. She was all snuggled up in her little pink coat and hood, snuggling her night night (yellow blanket) up to her little face. Her head resting on her car seat and looking out the window at the Christmas lights twinkling against the darkened sky, she peeked up at me and smiled. "Thanks, mom. I had the best time." Another moment to bottle ...


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