
I know no other way to say this, so I'll just come right out with it. Last night there was a mouse in my closet. A. Mouse. In. My. Closet.

Where I keep my clothes. And my shoes. My. Shoes. And a mouse.

I'm dying.

I was sitting on my bed and saw it run by. And the freaking out began.

After much effort and a plan that involved a broom, a box, a flashlight and a garden rake we caught it. Ok, Chad caught it. I cowered in the hall and tried not to scream. I had no idea I was so scared of mice. I knew I didn't love them, but my reaction was pretty extreme. Evidently, I really hate mice.

Anyway, Chad pulled things out of my closet, shook them and checked them. He had me hold the flashlight for a while, but I just couldn't stand it, so I quietly skulked out the door. We looked for this stupid thing for almost 45 minutes and my closet is just not that big. I know Chad had begun to doubt the veracity of my claims. Did I really see a mouse? Was I sure? But he kept looking, probably be cause he knew I wasn't going to bed until he found something.

So here's Chad, searching, and me, cowering in the hall. Then I hear him say "I found it! Come here and help me."


"What? Come help me."

"I'm sorry, no. I just can't."

I have now aggravated Chad. "ooookkkkaaaayyyy."

Somehow he corralled it into the box, tipped it up and slammed the lid shut.

We looked at each other. From down the hall. "So what do we do now?"

When Chad picked up the box you could hear that little guy scurrying around inside the box. {Insert skin crawling here.} So we put the box on a throw rug and pushed it to the front door and Chad carried it out to the street.

"Go inside," he said.

I took that to mean he was going to kill it, so I went in.

A few minutes later he came in. "So?"

"So, I was going to try to hit it with the rake, but it got away."

To which I proceeded to freak again. "Got away?? Do you think it will get back in the house? How did it get in the house? Are there more?" And on and on.

Chad, good man that he is, went in and vacuumed out my closet and helped me put things away. Assured me it was the only one. I still only kind of believe him.

A. Mouse. In the closet. With my shoes. I love my shoes. {deep breath}


Brammer Family said…
So, when you say he "carried it out to the street" you forgot to say "in a due westward direction for about a mile". Right? Right? Please say right or I'll have to call Jeb and make him come home from work early. Unless Chad makes neighbor house calls.
Brynn said…
Oh great. You should have never shared this. Now I'm freaking out too.
Get Hooked said…
Alyssa found a dead mouse in someone's driveway yesterday on the way to school. The mouse is dead. No need to worry any more. Maybe all those stupid cats that roam the neighborhood aren't so bad. Good man you have there. Good Man!

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