Christmas Tree - Living History.

I'll admit over the last few years I've had a bit of Christmas tree envy. I've noticed that other people's Christmas trees look like they were stolen off the showroom floor at Modern Display. In comparison my own tree, with its menagerie of ornaments has looked a little haphazard. I've secretly pined for the day when the children are gone and I can have a fancy, "front-room" tree.

So this year, Chad hauled the tree up from the basement. We then spent 15 minutes trying to figure out how to place it in or redecorated from room. I wanted it in front of the window, without ruining the flow of traffic, without scratching the wood floor and without touching my silk drapes. Tall order. Finally Chad grabbed em and said "this is supposed to be fun remember??"

"Oh I'm having fun."

"Really, this is you having fun? I'm scared."

Then he hugged me tight around the neck in that way he does when I'm being irritating. It's a hug filled with both love and intent to subdue.

"Are you guys fighting?" (I don't know which one of the children said this. My vision was obscured by Chad's hug.)

"No," replies Chad. "We are putting up the Christmas tree. We're having fun."

"Cause it seems like you are fighting."

"We don't fight," Chad said. "We discuss, until I do what mom says."

I would have slapped him, but I was still trapped in his restraining hug.

Finally with tree in place, miraculously meeting all my criteria, Chad went back to the basement to find the box of tree trimming supplies.

I perched my self on the edge of the chair with the box of ornaments at my feet. One by one, I started unwrapping and everything I unwrapped told a story. Each ornament is a little piece if Christensen family history.  Tiny snowy babies, with fluttering white wings. The colonial family from Williamsburg. Years of official White House Christmas ornaments. Little stars and Christmas trees painted by tiny preschool fingers.

A couple of nuts - our first Christmas together, Dec 1997

A unplanned, unexpected but totally awesome family vacation at Disneyworld! A good reminder that taking advantage of opportunities as they come can make for really fun memories!

A happy temple marriage

Many chilly, happy Christmas days spent touring Mt. Vernon in "George Washington, DC"

A big move, a leap of faith, a new house - December 2005

Childhood memories - Lisa's Christmas ornament from 1978

staying true to old traditions - a 1st year ornament for baby Grace, 2001

A blue eyed bundle of joy- baby Brynn, 2004

Before we had kids, we made a weekend trip to Jackson Hole. It's the first time we ever talked about having a baby.

This is actually my favorite ornament. It always gets a high, prominent spot on the tree. It is a snowy, white delicate piece of Wedgewood china. The little drummer boy and the little lamb. A sweet reminder of what Christmas is really about.
I have renewed love for our tree. Every piece tells the story of our family. Where we've been, what we love. It's a living history and every year it grows, every year it changes, every year it has more meaning. I may still get a beautiful "front room" tree someday, but in the heart of our home, where the family gathers, where gifts are given, where stories are read and stockings are hung, I'm going to put up this tree. I'm excited to see what story it will tell in 20 years.


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