365 days.

POST UPDATE: Last night Chad told me he read my blog. "What's this 365 thing?" So I tried to explain daily picture blogging and my enthusiasm for it. He just looked at me like I was from Mars and said "you know I have no idea what you are talking about right now." Ah, boys. (sigh)

I love 365 blogs. Before last year, I'd never followed a daily picture blog and at first I didn't get it. On January 2 there's just not that much to look at on a 365 blog, but by June the picture of who someone is really starting to emerge. 

My cousin Rachael, the talented photographer, is doing a weekly challenge that I can tell I'm going to like. They've just started but I'm already hooked. The first week they did pictures to embody the word solitude and I thought her photo was stunning. Check it out here. 

It makes me want to do a 365 blog, but I realized the entire blog would basically be:

driving the children to {fill in the blank}


dishes - yes, I wear pink gloves to do the dishes. I'm so stylin'


I don't get out much. And clearly my photography skills are a bit sub par...

Maybe I should do a daily word blog. Everyday pick a word that embodies the day. That would be really, really hard for me. One word?! A single, lonely word to summarize 24 hours of living. Brutal. I'm not exactly known for my brevity.

I'd choose a word, but then have the uncontrollably urge to explain it. Maybe the subject line is the day's word and then I write 3 bullets about it or something. Hmmm...I feel a great idea in here somewhere.

Or maybe I just need to get out more.


Get Hooked said…
I'm beginning to wonder if I have ever been in your house? Love the back splash in the kitchen. I would read your 365 word/s a day.
Lisa said…
thanks. we just put it in last year. I've been happy with it.
Brammer Family said…
I like the hidden pictures in each photo. Like an I Spy. The first - half full or half empty? The second - Coke! The third - pains and fevers. And finally - Play Doh in the laundry. Very nice.
Lisa said…
wow Robyn. You had way more fun with this post than I imagined was possible. Maybe I should do a daily post where I hide a coke in the picture everyday. That would be awesome and quite true to life.

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