January 17th and all I've got is random.

I feel like any minute something really significant will happen and I'll be here. Primed. Fingertips on the keyboard. Ready to write about it. But until then....I guess all I've got is random.

1. Sometimes things have to get a whole lot worse before they can get better. That's true of a lot of things, isn't it? Case in point - the basement. Chad and I are in week three of the massive basement clean out. Neither of us want to keep going. We kind of want to light a match and hope that the fire will be contained within the walls of the storage room. Since the laws of physics make that highly unlikely, we just keep cleaning. Good news is this week - we found the floor!!! I knew it was there somewhere. I suppose I can go on.

2. The children have a serious case of the crazies. I think it's winter. We've entered that crappy part of winter where it has been gray for 87 straight days, except that one Sunday and you couldn't go out and ride your bike because it was Sunday. The children need sun. They need fresh air. They need to play with people outside this gene pool.

3. Because the children are crazy, I am crazy. I really really really really want them to stop screeching. I'm sharper than I should be. I'm speaking in my loud voice more often than I want to. Chad taught them some horrible trick with balloons that makes a sound so loud and obnoxious it would curl your eyebrows. And tonight, within the tiny confined walls of the van, they made the aforementioned sound all the way home from the store. On purpose. Because they knew it was driving me crazy. And driving me crazy is super fun (if you didn't know).

So they all got out and went in and I sat in the car trying to decide it I would bang my head against the dashboard or not. Then I realized in a moment of pre-dashboard banging clarity that nearly half of my intense day to day mothering is over. I better love what I've got left, cause from the looks of it they really are going to grow up. So I went in, helped everyone get ready for bed in the fuzziest pjs I could find. Then I hosted a snuggle/book reading party on my bed. I loved on them and loved on them and loved on them some more. Then I tucked them in and laid down with them for a few minutes. I gave them lots of hugs and kisses and whispered kind, soothing things into their tiny ears.

Then I hid those stupid balloons.

4. Exercise. Egads. I am participating with Chad and his brother in the work out for 90 days and earn a great reward program. My last week was a huge fail. I exercised Monday. Then I got distracted with the science project, work and church meetings. Then I got the worst headache I've ever had in my life (and for me that's really saying something) and spent 2 straight days in bed. Then it was Sunday. The resting day in the exercise program. According to Chad, my week of woe doesn't put me out of the running for the really great reward. I should just start fresh. So I did. 1 day down. Baby steps.

5. It is going to be hard to stick to my self imposed not eating too much junk plan plan during Valentine's season. (Note: I'm not banning all junk - that would be impossible. I'm just trying to limit my junk intake.) Valentine's boasts my absolute favorite candy every - Brach's conversation hearts. I {heart} them. (rim shot) I really do. Only Brach's. All other conversation hearts are disgusting, but Brach's rock. I know everyone claims they are disgusting and no one in their right mind would eat those. That could be true, but then riddle me this - why do they always sell out at the store? Uh huh. Lots of closet candy conversation heart eaters out there. I love them so much that today, January 17th, I bought a bag at the store. That's right a bag - or maybe 5- whatever.

That was good random, yet cathartic. Here's hoping tomorrow brings sun.


Brammer Family said…
I did not know driving you crazy was super fun. Note taken. Also, conversation hearts = disgusting. Really. Now, anything marshmallow covered in chocolate - that's what makes a Happy Valentines Day, I tell you what.
Brammer Family said…
Oh, and one more thing. There is no reward so great as to suffer through 90 straight days of exercise. Unless it is to be able to punch Chad for the suggestion. That is all.

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