This post is a marathon, not a sprint.

Wow! Last post on 1/26/11??? It's like I fell in big hole. I did actually. I fell in a big hole called life. Profound, I know.

Ok, so this is going to be long. Pace yourself and don't forget to hydrate. (If you get dehydrated you have to go the ER and the bill for something like that is about 800 smackers. Just sayin'.)

Recently, it was groundhog day. Ever see that movie groundhog day? You know the one where Bill Murray gets up and lives the same day over and over and over? That's pretty much my life.

I feel like I do the same thing every day. It's mostly work, kids, work, kids and then sleep. Then the alarm clock chirps and a tune from my new favorite Sara Barellies album fills the room and I start all over again.

But here are the highlights and low lights, which have kept the days of my life from completely melding into a never ending blur...

Date Night and a New Car
We bought a new car. It's very nice. Maybe even too nice. I don't know if I'm grown up enough for this car, but Chad says I'll get used to it. Anyway, 2 weeks ago we went on a date. We went to dinner and visited with some friends. But BEFORE we went we drove around and listened to the 80s channel on satellite radio. And we laughed and laughed. I must go on record saying Chad is the world's best lip syncher. Seriously. The dramatic flare that boy can bring to "Eternal Flame" should qualify him for a Tony Award.

For Brrr....
I drove the girls to school everyday for a week because it was so blimey cold. I could have made them walk, its only 5 minutes, but forcing a 6 year olf to walk to school when it is 4 degrees seems like a poor parenting choice. So I drove them. Crazy, crazy weather. Blizzards all over the country. Those pictures of Lakeshore Drive in Chicago were amazing. Made me really happy I wasn't in Chicago Snow drifts that buried cars! Wow. Made me really happy I wasn't in Chicago this week. Reminds me why you should keep a few supplies in your car. Single digit days in Salt Lake are pretty, it was cold. Really cold! Have I mentioned it was cold? Apparently I was very affected buy it.

A lot of teeth stuff

This has been a big couple of tooth week for us. Last Monday, Grace's check up at the orthodontist turned into the pre-braces appointment. Thanks to a lot of growth in the last year, she's ready to start braces. Cha-ching. Looks like the orthodontist will be getting that new big screen TV, after all. I'm so happy for him.

Last Tuesday, I cracked a tooth. Apparently that "leaky" filling I put off fixing was a lot more than "leaky." I spent 3 hours at the dentist while they tried to fix it. Ever since my surgery, which will be 6 years ago end of of this month, I have a lot of trouble going to the dentist. I get so scared. You would have thought that such a major event would have made me tougher, but instead it's jut made me really nervous. They start coming at my face with all those tools and sucky things and I just freak out. I laid in the chair and stared at a ceiling tile and tried to think about other things, but I could make my hands stop shaking.

In the end, I lived, but the filling may or may not be a permanent fix. They seem to think its highly likely I'll have to have a root canal, but hopefully this will take. A week later, I still feel ok. Pray, pray, pray I don't end up having the root canal. I'll literally have to be sedated. Everyone laughs when I say that, but I'm 100% serious. S.E.D.A.T.E.D.

On Wednesday, we went back to the dentist, so the girls could get their teeth cleaned. They loved every minute of it. Especially the new sunglasses they have you wear since the dentist changed out their lights.

I did something to my back. Don't know what. It didn't go all the way out, but pretty close. I could still walk, as long as I walked SLOW. So I walked slow for a few days and spent all of Sunday alternating between heat and ice. I am recovered. 

Star Student
While I was convalescing, Brynn came in on Sunday night and said "Oh yeah and mom, I'm the star student this week, so I get to take a poster tomorrow that tells all about myself."


I sent her to bed and walked downstairs, slowly, to find some posterboard. 

Then I came back upstairs and asked Chad "Do you think it is inappropriate for her to take a star student poster with the 4th Article of Faith written on the back?"

Apparently, I have sacrificed all my poster board to Primary Sharing Times, so our ox was officially in the mire and Chad went to Wal-mart. He came home with a piece of florescent pink poster board, so bright I literally needed sunglasses to make the stupid poster.

I learned something important that night, Elmer's glue sticks have adhesive properties equivalent to spit and ear wax. Come on now, Elmer's, you guys are the glue people. If I can't stick a piece of paper to a poster board without putting the phone book on top of it, than your glue is not sticky enough.

Just not. Don't argue. NOT.

Dental Hygiene
Finally, do you think my children own too many toothbrushes? 

Sheesh. From this picture you'd think I have 17 kids. I have 2. 2, one mouth a piece. Apparently our culture of excess has invaded my bathroom! Seems like they love to brush their teeth, yet I have to remind them every single day. Oh, irony, why do you plague me?

Twinkle Toes
Saturday we went up to Park City and I bought the children some much needed shoes. They love these twinkle toes. You think these are crazy, you should see the ones I said no to. They were a gold lame with crazy angles on the side. They looked like shoes little Richard would wear, so I said no. But I gave the go ahead on these. Brynn's light up. A lot. If she clicks her feet together when I'm driving after dark, I think I'm getting pulled over. No joke.

Thanks for noticing that I went dark for a while. Renews my faith that if something ever happened to me in about a week, someone would notice. {heart} you.


Get Hooked said…
Oh I've missed you! And to also renew your faith a little more. Someone also said, I saw your comment to Lisa. I LOVE her blog. Just wish I could remember who it was. If I was a really good friend I would have come knocking at your door to find out what happened to you. But like you said, it was cold. Very very cold. Thanks for the update!
Brynn said…
Thanks for the tooth brush pic. Makes me feel more normal. How do they gather so many?

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