If I weren't so tired, I'd be able to figure out I need a nap.

I'm tired. So tired. And I can't quite figure out why.

Sure, I'm busy, but that's nothing new. Sure I've only been out of my desk chair once today. Literally, one time. But that can't cause this level of fatigue can it?

I'm trying to go to bed by 11:30 every night, but I'm almost more tired than I was before. Maybe I'll have to roll it back to 11. I hate having a bedtime. Babies have bedtimes and let it be known, I am not a baby.

Last night I really, really wanted to watch a movie, so I tried watching The Man from Snowy River on Netflix. It's an oldie, but I remember liking it long ago.

Trouble was I couldn't understand one word they were saying. I'm pretty sure they are speaking English, but no idea what was being said. None. I kept turning the sound up which only made it loud and unitelligeble.

Then I realized it was 11:30, which is apparetly the new power down time for my brain. I can no longer grasp even the simplest of narrative arcs after 11:30. What a disappointment.


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