Crazy Corn Maze.

As part of our Halloween fun we took the girls to the CRAZY corn maze. They spent the entire time doing this:

I guess that's how they interpret crazy, or being lost in a endless sea of dried up corn stalks.
Then I saw this guy:

And I finally figured out what I want to be when I grow up. That's right. Two words, people. Corn. Cop. Chad you may add this Corn Cop vest to the list of nonsensical things I would enjoy owning.

After a good amount of wandering around, we found:

And we pondered the irony of a maze having an EMERGENCY exit. Could you really find it again, should you experience a corn maze emergency?

Some people wanted out, but we made them keep going.

Eventually, we did find out way out and the day ended with us running back to the car in the pouring rain. Good times.


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