Random thoughts to tied you over until I have time to post about Disneyworld!

Here you go...in no particular order...that's why they call it random...I'm just sayin'...

1. We are not dead, we were at Disneyworld!! It was awesome.

2. I'm totally unclear how you can feel so physically exhausted and so refreshed at the same time, but that's how I feel.

3. My new blog banner makes you hungry, doesn't it?

4. I frequently take pictures of food I make.

5. I do not find that one bit weird.

6. But often, I forget how weird I really am.

7. On a scale of 1 to 10, I'm an 11.

8. "This one goes to 11." Name that quote!

9. My people realized it was November. They realized that means Thanksgiving. They have begun the countdown to the "big feast."

10. We love the "big feast."

11. When making these blog banners, I frequently spell clever - c l e a v e r.

12. The month I actually post a banner that says "Still thinking of a cleaver title..." just have a good chuckle and then email me and tell me. I will weigh my available time against my level of embarrassment and decide whether or not to fix it.

13. It likely will not get fixed.

14. On the other hand, I seem to really care what people think, so maybe it will.

15. If I would have spelled it wrong this month I could have left it and called it a Thanksgiving joke. Cleaver. Turkey? Big feast? Cleaver? Get it?

16. Nevermind.

17. I had my house cleaned today, even though we were gone last week.

18. It didn't dawn on me until the cleaning lady arrived that this act of double cleaning might not be necessary.

19. My house is now extra clean.

20. And 20...hmmm...did I mention we went to Disneyworld?

More soon!


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