
Brynn and I got an unexpected little treat driving home from preschool today. As we rounded the corner onto our street I saw two little animals. Running along the road in front of our house. One was obviously a little dog, but I couldn't figure out what the other one was. At first I thought it was a little goat, but then Brynn blurted out:

"Oh my gosh, mom! Look at that sheep."

And she was right. It was a little white lamb with black patches around her eyes and a black snout.

This unlikely little pair were clearly traveling companions. The little dog led the way and would stop a bit to explore every front yard. As he did little lamb stopped, looking for a little grass to nibble. Then the dog would start off again and when she realized he was on the move, the little lamb took long, lithe, bounding leaps to catch up. Her tiny feet made her look like she was walking on her tip toes. She was quite beautiful as she ran, actually. Kind of like a furry little deer. It was the oddest site running through our suburban neighborhood, but seriously so cute.

Brynn and I followed them all around the block. We rolled down the window and talked to them. They came up to the car a bit to check us out. Brynn wanted to get out, but you know I put the kibosh on that plan. I'm not exactly friends with nature, if you know what I mean. I don't mind admiring the cuteness from my car, but I'm not about to touch it. :)

Anyway, it was a special and exciting to see this little incredible journey. I'm sure Brynn will be talking about it for years. She now thinks a lamb would make a perfect pet. (That's be a no...) Hope those little critters found somewhere warm to bunk tonight.


Annie said…
Love your adventure! You do know that I had at total of 6 bum lambs (I nicknamed them Baa-Baas) raised as pets when I was little? My favorite pair was Salt and Pepper. Yeah, I know, our growing years were SO different. Can you still touch a sheep raiser? Tell Brynn we may have to go on a cabin run this summer! :) I love ya!

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