Easter Festivities 2009

Chad's brothers, sister and their families all came into town for Easter. It has been fun to see everyone, though I'm noticing a trend. The older the grandkids get, the louder they all get, which means the adults have to talk louder to hear ourselves over the din of the children, which means the whole house is just really loud. A few times this weekend I considered throwing myself through the kitchen window and onto the lawn in an attempt to escape the noise, but instead I just looked at Chad and mouthed "I can't take it." To which he would mouth back "plug your ears." Helpful.
Here's a highlight of the weekend's festivities.

Friday - I worked and Chad took the kids over the play. I don't know what they did, but they were wild haired and sweaty when I got there, so it must have been fun. We had dinner with almost everyone and caught up on everyone's happenings. We stayed late because Grace was going to sleep over, but then she got upset and couldn't decide if she really wanted to or not. Finally, we put everyone in the car and came home. "No biggie," we said, "other kids are asleep and you can come back first thing in the AM."

Saturday-Grandma C did an Easter egg hunt for all the grand kids. She assigned everyone a specific color of egg, so it would be fair. Each kid had 12 eggs to find and a matching color bag to put them in. Leave it to Grandma, she thinks of everything.

After the hunt, the moms went to get pedicures. In the almost 12 years I've been married to Chad this was the first time the five of us have all gone somewhere together. I had a lot of fun, sitting between Jenny and Amelia. Those gals are funny.

Perhaps the funniest part, however, was my sassy nail tech. I don't get my toes done all the time, but when I do I always get some version of pink polish. Nothing fancy. No stripes, no stars, no plaid, just pink polish. Usually pretty pale, but sometimes I go bold and get baby pink :)

Yeah, spunky nail tech, she wasn't having it. When I told her what I wanted she said "What?!? You're not that old!" She seriously wasn't going to let me paint my toenails pink. After much discussion and input from everyone (gee, thanks girls) I ended up with a french tip, a little silver line and a flower. It's fine, but it's not really me.

I thought about posting a pic of my toes, but that thought only lasted about 5 seconds. Yeah, pretty sure I don't want my toes posted on my blog. Lemme think about it...yep, I'm sure. This is a toe free zone.

Sunday-We went to our church. Everyone else went to see John and Angela sing in their ward's choir. Brynn slept on my lap through about 75% of the meetings. She hadn't napped since all the cousins arrived. She stayed up late every night and by Sunday, she'd had it. If any doubt remained about whether or not Brynn still needs a nap then I think this weekend cleared that up.

After church we went to Grandma and Grandpa C's and had a nice, very traditional Easter dinner. Ah, honey baked ham...gotta love it.


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