Practice, Practice

Grace had to read the scripture in Primary on Sunday. She thought she needed me to come up and help her read it, but I said no, I thought she could do it by herself. I would come in and watch, but I thought she could read it.

Wow, she was nervous. (I was really so nervous for her. For me, this is one of the hardest parts of being a mom. You have to give them opportunities to grow up and do hard things, but I really want to protect her from disappointment, embarrassment, and all the rest.) She is funny. I can never quite predict what is going to throw her for a loop, but she was convinced she would need help reading this. I just kept saying, you can do it and we practiced and practiced. We practiced so much she started getting annoyed with me.

On Sunday I perched myself on the back row in the Primary Room and winked at her (and begin my silent prayers that she would get through it and opened my scriptures to read along with her. I don't know, I guess, I was hoping I could transfer the words from my brain to hers.) She looked at me and kept shooting me her funny, nervous smiles. When it was her turn she got up and read the scripture. Breezed through it, actually. Piece. Of. Cake. She read clearly and didn't stumble over any of the big, tricky words.

When she finished she flashed the biggest, most relieved, most gratified smile I have ever seen. I know she felt good about herself and I was so proud of her. It is hard to put yourself out there and I know she was really nervous, but she worked hard, she practiced, and when she got up there she didn't act nervous, she just did it and she was awesome.

When she came down to find me after I gave her a high five and a said "wow, you rocked that babe." She flashed another of her big smiles. "I did good, huh?"

She did good.


Julie said…
So Amy Burge just told me this story last night at t-ball. We were talking about how cute kids are when they are so proud of themselves and glance over to get your approval! She said, "Julie, I experienced the BEST EVER child to parent SMILE on Sunday at church" and then she told me the story! Way to go Grace!
Angela said…
That is so sweet.

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